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Understanding Sexual Orientation: A Response

In response to letter to the editor by Josh Ryan entitled “Understanding Sexual Orientation”

I agree with Mr. Ryan that it is quite easy for fear-mongering and misinformation to find it’s way into the hearts and minds of the masses regarding the current debate over sexual orientation and same-sex marriage, and keeping dialogue open is a good thing, but we must also be very careful with the information we present as fact and as truths.

He claims that the American Psychiatric Association, The American Psychological Association and the World Health Organization all agree that sexual orientation is innate and unchangeable, in other words people are genetically made that way from conception. However, to date there has been no conclusive scientific evidence to support this opinion. On the contrary, science has discovered quite the opposite, based on research carried out on identical twins who must always have the same genetic make-up. This research occurred in Australia among such twins where at least one was same-sex-attracted. It found that, instead of a 100% rate of both being same-sex-attracted, the rate was 38%. They discovered, that environmental factors, parenting and even abuse were common among those with same sex attraction. See Bailey, JM; Dunne,MP; Martin,NG (2000): Genetic and Environmental influences on sexual orientation and its correlates in an Australian twin sample. J. Pers. Social Psychology 78, 524-536

Another point made, is that something is natural by virtue of its existence in nature, and that same sex attraction is thus something natural because homosexuality has been observed in over 1000 species of animals is not totally true and also reveals a lack of understanding of the complexity or dignity of the human person. There is not one animal species or animal that is exclusively homosexual. When a lion kills a zebra in cold blood, it’s dinner. When a human being kills another human being in cold blood, it’s murder.

Being creatures of higher intellect and reason we are not guided by instinct, but strive to live in harmonious relationships guided by laws of right justice, prudence and morality, that seek to protect the legitimate rights and freedoms of each person that come with corresponding responsibilities.

Speaking of rights perhaps we may come to a consensus, as the Church teaches that any act of unjust discrimination is to be avoided. Our teachings tell us that people with same sex attraction are to be respected and accepted. However we are also called to recognize that marriage is not a right granted to any and every person, as particular criteria must be met. Two people of similar orientation may decide to love one another, and they may be granted rights of inheritance or recognition etc. but because rights also confer duties and responsibilities, society depends on traditionally married couples not only to bear its future generations but to nurture them and ensure that they develop to their fullest potential.

Psychology and sociological statistics today tell us that the best thing for a child is to be raised by their own biological parents and that the complementary roles of male father and female mother are essential for the development of children in many ways. Granting an equal right of adoption to same sex unions, which would follow from a right to marry, would in fact deny some children the best available outcome.

I think that we can all agree, that we want what is best for our children of T&T, and that traditional marriage should be safeguarded.

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